1st ASEAN School Games 2009

The 1st ASEAN School Games (ASG) was held in Suphanburi, Thailand from July 20 - 29, 2009 with 10 sports. 

116 sports events in ten (10) sports were included in the inaugural event. These were athletics, badminton, basketball, golf, gymnastics, sepak takraw, swimming, table tennis, tennis and volleyball. 
Five (5) Southeast Asian countries participated in this youthful celebration of sports competition. These were Brunei, Indonesia with 122 student-athletes who competed in nine sports, Singapore, Vietnam and host Thailand.
Thailand took the overall championship by winning 72 gold, 42 silver and 40 bronze medals. Vietnam placed second overall with 18 gold, 16 silver and 23 bronze medals.
Indonesia came third overall capturing 13 gold, 33 silver and 29 bronze medals followed closely by Singapore with 13 gold, 25 silver and 35 bronze medals. While Brunei settled last place in the medal board which registered two bronze medals.


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